Principal’s Message

God wants us to be successful in life and make the most out of this gift. So he gave us yet another precious gift – Time. He has given everyone 24 hours a day. No one on earth has ever been given more or less of it. Despite that, many do say, “I wish I could do this, but I simply do not have the time.”

No one is born great or successful into the world. People who are successful in life are those who have made the best use of their time, seizing every opportunity that came their way, scaled the way to success and greatness. Rather than sitting idle saying that they do not have enough time, they made the best use of every single minute they had and reached the goals they set for themselves.

George Allen, famous football coach one wrote, “God gave every single human being a certain amount of talent and abilities and unless you utilize that talent to the utmost of your ability, 24 hours every day of your life, you deceive God, your family and above all yourself……..!

We can do nothing without time. Life is made up of time, for many time is life! Hence, wasting time is wasting life. We can make our life a great success or a pathetic failure, depending on how we make use of our time. If success is our goal in life, there is no other way to reaching there, than making the best use of every minute of the most precious gift of our life: TIME!

“Time is a created thing. To say I don’t have time, is like saying, “I don’t want to make a difference.”
Lao Tzu

How has your today been different from yesterday? What have you gained? What have you learnt? What have you contributed?

Sr. Antonieta Colaco