
Students of Std IX A witnessed the ‘Technology and Cultural Showcase Event’ at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee stadium on 22nd July. The students viewed the remarkable advancements in the field of clean energy and zero emission vehicles.

A talk on ‘Career In Law’ was conducted for the students of Std VIII, IX and Xth by Ms. Pearl Monteiro, a professor from V.M. Salgaonkar College of Law, Miramar. She enlighten the students on their different options available if one decides to pursue law.

A workshop on Oyster Mushroom cultivation and Vermi composting was conducted for the students of std VIII at Krishi Vigyan Kendra – Ela – Old Goa on 8th June 2023. Dr. H.C. Prabhu and Mr. Vinod presented the above topic.

The school in collaboration with ‘Adopt a Plant ‘ team and the ‘Forest Dept’ Celebrated ‘World Environment Day. The team held an awareness talk for the students and also distributed medicinal plants to the staff and students

A talk was held by an eminent and young Chartered Accountant Mr. David Pinto, for the students of Std IX, and X on 9th June. He enlightened the students on this profession, that is least spoken about. He also informed the students that it is a very Elite profession to take up.

An Orientation seminar was held for the staff of the school i.e teaching, non-teaching, co-workers on 10th June. The Resource Person was Mr. Alred Fernandes, he threw light on ‘Spirituality’ and its relevance to life. The orientation also featured thoughts on being a ‘Child of God’

The Ministry of Education proposed a series of activities under the banner of Janbhagidari events. In view of the above, the school conducted various activities from 7th to the 15th of June, namely – a fieldtrip to KVk, entrepreneur talk, Adopt a tree orientation, drawing and rangoli, cycle rally, march

A talk was conducted for the students of std VIII, IX and X on 12th June  to brief them about I.I.M.U.N-India’s International Movement to Unite Nations). Mr. Gaurav Aurora the Resource person, highlighted on the event that would be held in Goa by this organisation and encouraged them to participate in the same.

Our Lady of the Rosary High School continues with its efforts to increase the green cover in the surrounding. The school in collaboration with the ‘PATHYA’ team from Cidade de Goa planted saplings in the school compus and also the surrounding area on 12th June

A workshop on Konkani Grammar and Handwriting was conducted in collaboration with Goa Konkani Academy. The resource persons were Mrs. Poonam Burye, Mr. Rupesh Lingudkar and Mr. Damodar Ghanekar.