
An Inaugural Prayer Service was held on the 6th of June 2022. The theme for the service was “Walk towards a new beginning with faith and hope”. The students and teachers prayed for strength and hope to take up all the challenges and difficulties that would come their way during this Academic Year. We need […]

The leadership training camp was held at Pilar Animation Centre on 28th and 29th April 2022.The resource person was Father Anthony Lopes.He conducted a number of games through which the children were made aware of the essential qualities a good leader must possess, self-introspection and importance of teamwork.In the evening, the children were taken around […]

On the 27th of April Our Lady of the Rosary High School organized a summer basketball tournament. In the Senior category team Silver Kinights emerged champions. The team consisting of Nicole, Princess, Ritika, Shalome and Angelica.  In the runners-up position were Team Jupiter consisting of Issaca, Sarah, Desiree, Riya and Kiara. In the Junior category […]

A Mini Summer five a side Football Tournament was held on 23rd April  at Our Lady of the Rosary High School grounds. After 3 weeks coaching the trainees exhibited some good football skills. In the five a side tournament team 5 Stars emerged champions. The team led by Shaina Shirodkar the team members were Dhanisha, […]

Rosary Trophy 2022 Our Lady of the Rosary High School Dona Paula organized the Rosary Trophy 2022 on the school ground on 1st April 2022. It was for the first time that an event were by most of the Institutions from Tiswadi Taluka participated in the Inter school staff cricket tournament. There was an Exhibition […]

The manager Sr Karuna Vincent  was given a farewell  on 6 th April 2022 after a tenure of 3 years.  The event begun with a prayer service .It was followed by words of gratitude and appreciation by a student Greta and Assistant Head girl Alria Rodrigues and Tr Merlyn who compered the event. The Head Girl […]

Congratulations to Miss Alanis Lourenco of Std. VIII;  Miss Deepti Singh of Std. IX  and Miss Saee Dalvi of Std. IX for standing in the TOP 25 in their respective Standards in the GTSE Examination 2021-22 organized by the Goa Headmasters’ Association in the month of February 2022.

Instead of a Staff picnic this year, the staff of the school decided on a fellowship Lunch at Copperleaf , Taleigao  on March 31, 2022.   The afternoon saw unity and good positive vibes flow as the air was filled with laughter, jokes, and lots of light moods. It was indeed a relaxed afternoon for […]

Our Tr. Amalia Rego teaching in the Pre Primary section, retired after 30 years of dedicated service in her honour on the 11th of March 2022 in the school quadrangle in the presence of the Manager Sr. Karuna, The Headmistress Sr. Antonieta , Primary in charge Ms. Sybil and the teachers. The Programme began with […]

On March 6th, 2022, Rotary Club of Vasco Port Town organized the Power Pedal Cycling Race in which Miss Kiara Araujo secured the 3rd Place. She was awarded with a Medal and a Winning Certificate.