18th August 2022

Event Details

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Field Trip To St. Cruz  

          It was a routine day at school. Our teacher came to class and announced that we would be going on a field trip in the next couple of days. We had learnt in Konkani, ‘Rovni’. This field trip was in connection with that lesson. The teacher further further informed us that she would send a note to all the parents, informing them about this trip and also seeking consent. 

          As the scheduled day drew closer, we were excited beond words. We could sleep the day prior to the trip. On the appointed day, we were ready with our umbrellas. We travelled in the school Balrath to the field in St. Cruz. Tr. Cecille and Mario Uncle were waiting for us alongwith tr. Vedika and tr Daffodil. 

          Mario uncle took us to the field, and what a surprise! Our Headmistress, Sr. Antoneita too was present there! 


 Tr. Cecille explained how the farmers and the fields they cultivate play an important role in our lives. Mario uncle explained the process of ‘Rice Transplantation’. He explained the whole process from sowing seeds to harvesting the crop. 

          Then the adventure began! He had kept some newly grown rice saplings for us! We all entered in the field and transplanted the saplings. What a joy it was to soak our feet in the cool water! The thought of playing water did cross! Our teachers and Sr Antoneita too entered the field and transplanted the rice saplings. It was a totally new feeling and experience for us! 

          After we finished with the transplantation, we came out of the fields. We washed our hands and feet and shared our new experience with Mario uncle and our teachers. It started raining and we opened our umbrellas and enjoyed the rain experience in the fields. 

          Happy, satisfied and filled with joy, we returned to school, our mind but were more interested in learning this rice growing technique. 


Our Lady of the Rosary High School, Dona Paula