March 11th, 2022

Event Details

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Our Tr. Amalia Rego teaching in the Pre Primary section, retired after 30 years of dedicated service in her honour on the 11th of March 2022 in the school quadrangle in the presence of the Manager Sr. Karuna, The Headmistress Sr. Antonieta , Primary in charge Ms. Sybil and the teachers.

The Programme began with a prayer service thanking the Lord for the gift of Tr. Amalia to the institution. It ended with a hymn praising the Lord by std I and II.

Std Iv then presented a song ‘Years may come, years my go’. Samantha and Samara were next to soothe our ears with a lovely tune which kept the audience well entertained.

Then come our Std V student Lizel Fernandes who sang beautifully and melodiously strumming on the yukulele. Sarah Dantes, who was a student of Ms. Amalia expressed her deep gratitude to Ms. Amalia for her patience and guidance when she was her student. Sr. Karuna, the Manager of the school then spoke a few words of gratitude and thanked Ms. Amalia.

Ms. Amalia was then presented with a shawl, a memento, a potted plant and a token of appreciation from the staff. This was followed by the cutting of the retirement cake and a thank you speech by Ms. Amalia. The pre primary and primary teachers sang a hymn ‘Devan tujhe Ashirwad galu’. Tr. Eny then proposed the vote of thanks.