A Brief History

Archbishop Don Jose Vieira Alvernaz, Partriarch of Goa, invited Mother Raymund Lulie, the Provincial of India to start a convent in Goa. In April 1954 Mother Mary Bernard, Srs. Mary Damiana, Mary Salet and Mary Assunta arrived at Goa. Initially they were housed in Panjim, Altinho, with the Miranda family. Two days later Patriarch showed our sisters the Parochial house attached to the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary, Caranzalem. After a warm welcome from the people, the sisters launched the opening of the needlework-room for young women and girls. They learnt beautiful embroidery and produced excellent work like church articles, dining sets etc. Classes in cutting, tailoring, domestic science and English were also conducted for the girls.
  • 1954   Classes in Konkani were started under the shade of trees and in the verandah. A dispensary, and a day crèche for children was opened.
  • 1955   The foundation stone for the new building was laid by the Patriarch.
  • 1959   The school in Portuguese received recognition from the government and the first batch was sent up for the Primerio Grao exams.
  • 1960   Government recognizes the Segundo Grao.
  • 1962   Authorization from Patriarch Alvernaz to open an English Medium school and official authorization from education department was received and the school was named – Our Lady of the Rosary High School – with classes upto IX std.
  • 1963   First inspection of the school. K.G. classes were opened in Panjim (Christo Rei). School was recognized by the Board of Secondary Education.
  • 1964   First batch of students – Ernestina Almeida and Alba Rodrigues – sent up for the SSC Board examinations. A hostel for girls was opened.
  • 1965   First Parents Teachers Association was formed. Middle school education from Std. V – VIII was made free by the government.
  • 1966   The School was awarded the trophy for inter-school drawing competition won by Miss Patricia Viegas. Miss Judy D’Souza bagged the 1st prize in extempore elocution competition and also all-women’s elocution competition.
  • 1967   Sr. Monica Coelho (Delfine) was the Headmistress of the school. Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi visited Goa and halted at our school and was greeted by the children. Mother Claudiana, the Superior was introduced to her by the Governor. Cardinal Gracias visited the convent and the school.
  • 1968   Apostolic Pronuncio Mgr. Guiseppe Caprio visited the school and the convent. A fete was held at Azad Maidan to collect funds for the school building. The response was very good. The foundation stone was laid by the governor of Goa, Daman and Diu, H.E. Nakul Sen and was blessed by Apostolic Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu, Mgr. Piedade Rebello.
  • 1969   A premier show was held at EI Dourado “Born to Sing” to raise funds, for the school building.
  • 1970   The new school building was inaugurated by the Governor H.E. Nakul Sen and blessed by the Apostolic Administrator Mgr. Piedade Rebello. The high school was shifted to the new building in Dona Paula while the primary remained in Caranzalem. It was a joy to have spacious and airy classrooms. We received news from the Department of Education that education would be free upto SSC for economically backward students.
  • 1974   The new SSC course was introduced. Sr. Nancy Nazareth replaced Sr. Monica Coelho (Delfine) as the Headmistress of the school.
  • 1976   The Goa Board of Education took over for the first time. Our students did very well in this examination. Jasmine Desai stood first in Goa, Maria Pinto got the 7th rank, and Shoma shared the 12th rank.
  • 1985   Sr. Carminha D’Mello took over from Sr. Nancy as the Headmistress.
  • 1987   Department of Education gave permission to start the XI & XII.
  • 1992   Sr. Valentine Pinto replaced Sr. Carminha D’Mello as the Headmistress of the High school.
  • 1995   Due to various circumstances, we had to leave Caranzalem premises and this resulted in shifting the primary section of the school to Dona Paula and other work had to be given up.
  • 2001   Sr. Julie Fernandes replaced Sr. Valentine Pinto as the Headmistress of the school.
  • 2003   Sr. Elizabeth M. A. replaced Sr. Julie Fernandes as the new Headmistress.
  • 2007   Sr. Ermelinda (Emy) Rodrigues replaced Sr. Elizabeth M. A. as Headmistress.
  • 2008   Due to the tireless efforts of Sr. Ermelinda Rodrigues the foundation stone for the new school building was laid by Sr. Leena Quadros – Provincial of Mumbai Province.
  • 2012   Sr. Antonieta Colaco replaced Sr. Ermelinda Rodrigues as Headmistress.