14th August 2023

Event Details

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Independence Day was celebrated in the primary school on the 14th of August 2023.
The programme started with a prayer service in honour of Mother Mary as it is the feast of Assumption on the 15th of August.
A cultural programme followed thereafter. The students of pre-primary dressed up as different freedom fighters. This was followed by an item by the primary students wherein they dressed up and depicted the culture of different states in India. The Dandhi -March was also depicted by the students.
The students of std IV also sang a national integration song.
Principal of the school Sr Antonette spoke on the occasion. The programme ended by singing the national anthem.
The programme was attended by the Principal, Supervisor, Sisters of the community, teachers, students and parents.
The std 4 teachers trained the students for the same. The prayer service was conducted by teacher Norma.